Mark Golden on Paint

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Supporting your art supply dealer

20 February, 2014 (17:27) | Community | 11 comments
Post by Mark Golden

Artists will often share how easy it is to order their art materials from Amazon online, or how much better the pricing is versus their local art supply retailer. I realize that each of these things can be valid reasons for choosing one vendor over another. “After all, it doesn’t really matter who I buy […]

Made in Paint

12 April, 2013 (10:03) | Community | 5 comments
Post by Mark Golden

We are excited about the opening of our first Gallery show of the Artist Residents from 2012… And absolutely delighted that so many of the artists have traveled here for the opening. The show looks beautiful and so brilliantly shares the diversity of talent that joined the Golden Foundation for its inaugural year of the […]

3 Years with Williamsburg Handmade Oils

1 April, 2013 (09:06) | Paint Ideas | 3 comments
Post by Mark Golden

This May will be 3 years since we began making Carl’s Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors. What a beautiful addition they have made to this companies range of products. We have embraced the passion that drove the search for beautiful colors and we’ve been having a lot of fun bringing back or introducing over 18 new […]

The Biggest Loser at Golden Artist Colors

12 March, 2013 (16:20) | General | 2 comments
Post by Mark Golden

Just this past January we again launched into the biggest loser weight contest here at Golden Artist Colors. A great time considering we just squeaked through the Holidays. The leader and inspiration for all of us behind this effort is Barbara Schindler, our President. Barbara publishes the weekly totals for the top weight losers of […]

Customer’s Gifts

6 March, 2013 (16:20) | Community | 4 comments
Post by Mark Golden

It has happen more times than one would like to admit, but our customers continue to give us gifts in the form of complaints that are an invaluable source for improving our Company, its products and services. From time to time those gifts are fairly loud and packed in a pretty angry box. More often […]

Golden Foundation Residency Update

1 March, 2013 (14:40) | Community | 3 comments
Post by Mark Golden

We are gearing up for our second year of the Golden Foundation Artist Residency and looking forward to a full complement of artists to join us to share our new painting studios and apartments. We are getting ready for the group show “Made in Paint” including our inaugural year Residents running from mid-April and continuing […]

Finding the Happy Medium

27 February, 2013 (12:17) | General | 3 comments
Post by Mark Golden

No….. I’m not talking about a new acrylic gel with exotic properties, I’m talking about finding the appropriate voice for writing about our Company. I received two comments this week that were on extreme opposites of their advice about our “Just Paint” Newsletter. One customer writes “Your ‘Just Paint’ newsletter on Color mixing is poor; […]

SAGG Show – Paintmakers Collection 1936-1968

2 May, 2012 (12:15) | From Home, General | 5 comments
Post by Mark Golden

It is amazing how this show feels both so new and so familiar. It is a reunion of sorts of paintings and sculptures gathered from family members to share a story about a period of time and of these artists connections to Bocour Artist Colors. But unlike a reunion, these paintings haven’t changed much at […]

Recollections by a Paintmaker’s Son – New Show at SAGG

27 April, 2012 (15:17) | General | 3 comments
Post by Mark Golden

The Golden family has assembled about 75 paintings and sculptures from a period of collecting by Sam Golden during his career and partnership at Bocour Artist Colors, from about 1936 – 1968. It will remain up at the gallery at the Golden Artist Colors facility (The SAGG) until the end of July. I had asked […]

Golden Foundation Residency Reaching Starting Line

27 April, 2012 (08:56) | From Home | 1 comment
Post by Mark Golden

Barbara and I are busy each evening working on the final touches for the Foundation Residency Building and Project. The applications are now coming in and we’re thrilled to finally have the official program launching with the first Residency this July. We are also delighted to have a good friend open our Workshop Program at […]

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