Mark Golden on Paint

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Category: General

Art Basel, Miami

14 December, 2006 (22:47) | General | 3 comments

I had a great time in Miami last week visiting Art Basel and many of the surrounding venues with my wife Barbara and our companies President, Barbara Schindler. It truly was a wonderful way to see a wide range of work. As you can imagine, the Miami Con…

Sharing art in Tokyo

29 October, 2006 (20:13) | General | No comments

I had the wonderful opportunity that previously had eluded me during my trips over the last 10 years in Japan. It was all due to the effort of the Turner Color Co. and Yumi Yomaguchi who describes herself as a “cheerleader” for the arts in Japan. She…

Is High Gloss Back?

4 October, 2006 (01:01) | General | No comments

I’ve seen over the past few years, a trend back towards an incredible almost mirror like gloss that artists have been incorporating into their work. For many years we have been directed by artists to create products that tended to move in the oth…

Art materials that self-destruct

29 September, 2006 (01:01) | General | 3 comments

Many of the issues we confront here at Golden Artist Colors relate to the permanency of the materials we produce. Continually trying to push the boundaries for how long and how well these materials will last.

We have had several requests during t…

Blends versus pure pigment colors

5 September, 2006 (07:52) | General | No comments

For most of our short history of Golden Artists Colors, we had prided ourselves on having largely single pigment colors. When we began the only color mixtures were our Permanent Green Lt. and our Quinacridone Crimson (using all Quinacridone pigment). I…

Can I use House Paint?

14 July, 2006 (10:39) | General | 35 comments

I can’t tell you how many hundreds of times I’ve heard that question from artists. If you’re asking for my permission by all means go ahead use house paint. Artists don’t need our permission to use any materials they want to use to create. The opportunity to create and the materials used to create with […]

Addictive Colors

25 May, 2006 (20:44) | General | 14 comments

We had a chance during our technical meeting today to discuss the wonderful responses I had on this blog to the question: What sets would a professional artist find attractive, if any? We had received so many wonderful contributions that it got us all thinking how we could go about changing what we have to […]

Visit from Buffalo State

12 May, 2006 (17:47) | General | No comments

We have been visiting back and forth between Buffalo State Department of Conservation and Golden Artists Colors for many years now. Each time James Hamm and students come to visit it is a wonderful occasion to share what we are both doing. This last week James was joined by his colleagues Judy Walsh and Greg […]

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