Mark Golden on Paint

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Art Basel, Miami

14 December, 2006 (22:47) | General

I had a great time in Miami last week visiting Art Basel and many of the surrounding venues with my wife Barbara and our companies President, Barbara Schindler. It truly was a wonderful way to see a wide range of work. As you can imagine, the Miami Convention Center housing the ‘main event’, Art Basel, Miami Beach was full of many of the well known galleries and artists work. For me though, it was at the venues outside the Center where things became more interesting and inventive.

Wide ranging shows including Aqua, Flow, and The Bridge on the Beach side and then Pulse and Scope across the causeway were full of incredible energy. The exciting part was that a lot of art was being sold at all of these events. No matter what your sense is of these shows… whether you’re an insider or outsider… you have to be excited that so many people are looking at and buying art. That having original art is important in peoples lives. This is so profound for the entire art community.

I was so delighted to see that acrylics have finally come front and center in this world where artists are pushing and experimenting. It never ceases to amaze me that artists can continue to find ways to work with these materials and do things I’ve never seen before. I am convinced there is no end to what can be discovered together. Seeing so much work was exhausting and exhilarating. Seeing so much excitement around art was thrilling.




Comment from Robin Walker
Time: December 15, 2006, 8:47 pm

As a long time Golden girl, I was thrilled to discover that you had been there and bought a piece from a gallery booth I visited. Was it the marbled acrylic on plexi box?? If so, I sure would like to know how to replicate that process. Do you know?

Comment from Franklin
Time: December 16, 2006, 8:41 am

Had I known, I would have directed you to Dorsch Gallery at Bridge, where I had a couple of paintings up:

Painted with Golden acrylics, natch.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: March 29, 2007, 12:05 pm

I have a question. I hope this is the right venue to pose it. I like to scrape my oil paintings with palette knife to get intersting textures. I am in the process of switching over to acrylics and was wondering if there is some way to use this technique with the more resisitent acrylic paint. any ideas?

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