Mark Golden on Paint

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Category: From Home

Employee Ownership

6 March, 2007 (21:54) | From Home | 21 comments

Golden Artist Colors became an employee owned company in 2002, but in fact it had been truly owned by the employees almost from the onset of the company. Yes, there were a few years back in the early 80’s that no one wanted to own Golden. We were running as fast as we could yet […]

Preparing for winter

27 November, 2006 (09:51) | From Home | No comments

We’ve gotten off pretty easy so far this fall in Upstate NY. Just a few dustings of snow and a bit of frost on the car to scrape off in the morning. I can only hope that this beginning portends a mild and short winter. Not likely…

Hot chili contest!

9 November, 2006 (17:26) | From Home | No comments

We just finished our annual chili cook-off at Golden Artists Colors yesterday and this year after 10 failed attempts, I finally won. It was a hard fought competition, with 9 other very capable entries, but fortunately I was able to prevail. I am conv…

Touring Japan

22 October, 2006 (01:01) | From Home | No comments

The first week of our lecture tour in Japan is almost over. We’ve enjoyed lectures in Kyoto at Kyoto Seika University and Seian University; in Nagoya at Aichi Prefecture University and in Osaka at the Osaka University of Arts. I’ve been j…

Digital Taps

20 October, 2006 (01:01) | From Home | No comments

I was listening to NPR yesterday and they were presenting a story of a recent burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Behind the reporter was the playing of “Taps”. What an incredibly haunting melody. This version was one of the sweetest ma…

Read the label?

9 October, 2006 (01:01) | From Home | 7 comments

Writing a label is a bit like writing Haiku; there are strict standards and requirements with very little space. The best label will have all the essential information and provide it in legible format in the appropriate language.

Unfortunately, b…

Acrylic Patina

24 July, 2006 (16:33) | From Home | 9 comments

Acrylic Patina If we were able to look into the future at our acrylic paint and your paintings and see them in a hundred years… five hundred years… a thousand years…. what might they look like? I realize this is more than a bit of a stretch… but I’d love us to make this leap […]

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