Mark Golden on Paint

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Keeping the Williamsburg touch…

30 June, 2010 (14:17) | General

As I speak to more artists working with the Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors it is clear that many had been so connected to Carl and if not Carl, to Beverly,  his sister, but if not a personal connection, they are absolutely connected to Carl’s ideals of making a paint for painters.  Their greatest concern is that Golden continues to honor Carl’s tradition of making beautiful colors.  

The Williamsburg oils are very different from other oil paints even at the high end of the oil market.  Of course their pigment content rivals the best of the best, and its consistency offers a heavy resist but not at all pasty.  But more than this, each color is defined by the nature of the very particular pigment used.  This is probably most evident in the wide range of Italian earth colors.  Each of these colors was built to a grind that allows the pigment to express both a rich mass tone, but also an intensity of under tones in washes and glazes that can only be described of as alive.

Yes, there are scientific instruments and tools we can use to describe and measure these differences, yet the two most important are the eyes and touch of the paint makers. The other important resource to assure that we are consistently achieving these unique notes of color and texture are the artists who have become so intimate to these colors.  Our promise to these artists are to continue to reach out and make sure we are asking, ”How are we doing?”




Comment from James
Time: July 27, 2010, 8:42 pm

Only Golden can do this. Am so glad to find you are taking on Wburg paint. Golden has been my only choice for just over a decade, and about 3 yes ago transitioned to Wburg b/c of the quality and choice was unsurpassed.

Comment from john Fitzsimmons
Time: August 3, 2010, 6:24 pm

I am almost out of Carls Rare Italian Earth Burnt Siena, this is one of those materials that has a difference that you find hard to define but there is a very big difference in use and results. Point being is that I am glad it will still be available!

Comment from michael morgan
Time: October 15, 2010, 12:44 am

It is great news that , luscious, wonderful Williamsburg Hand Made Oil colours will be continued to be created by your Company. Perhaps with all the acquired skills at Golden..even these custom made paints might??? be improved upon, without losing any of the qualities that artists have a passion for. Unsurpassed choice. Michael Morgan. Phillip Island. Australia.

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