Mark Golden on Paint

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Paint day at Golden Artist Colors

28 June, 2010 (09:27) | Community, From Home

This past week we started the celebration of our 30th year in business by taking a day off of inventing, making, filling, packing and shipping paint and about 140 of us spent the day painting.  We invited fourteen of our Working Artists from all around North America to teach 12 different classes. 

Staff were able to choose 4 painting workshops of an hour and a half each in a wide range of techniques and forms, including: portraiture, collage, landscape, printing, stenciling, digital printing, drawing, resist painting and staining. 

We have quite a few artists amongst the shops employees and many of these folks assisted in the classes, but couldn’t help themselves joining in as well.  Every one of the workshops allowed for us to make finished pieces.  Okay maybe not art for some purists but close enough for even folks who never painted before to at least touch a small piece of why artists create.  Making something greater than you thought you ever could by the manipulation of paint.

For many it began as an intimidating situation, “I can’t paint”.  But it ended for everyone in sharing each others work in amazement and truly in awe of what our teachers were able to accomplish with even a bunch of non-painters on an incredible day in New Berlin.




Comment from Rick
Time: August 22, 2010, 12:36 pm

Congrats on all these years of great people and great products. I think it’s fantastic that all your employees had an opportunity to join in on the workshops. I hold workshops for first time painters and they always come in a bit intimidated saying “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with all this paint” and then they let loose and have fun. Even if they never choose to paint again, at least they were able to give it a go once. We have had some amazing paintings done by these first time painters as well, and they are all military veterans.

Happy Belated Birthday,


Comment from Linda Achimore
Time: October 13, 2010, 3:34 pm

Mark, what a great juxtaposition, employee ownership with employees learning more about their paint and the techniques that use the paint to its best advantage. Really wonderful. Congratulations on all your hard work and sticking to your vision. Hope you write a book. Love Linda and Steve

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