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The Biggest Loser at Golden Artist Colors

12 March, 2013 (16:20) | General

Just this past January we again launched into the biggest loser weight contest here at Golden Artist Colors. A great time considering we just squeaked through the Holidays. The leader and inspiration for all of us behind this effort is Barbara Schindler, our President. Barbara publishes the weekly totals for the top weight losers of that week as well as the overall leaders for the contest ending in April. Along with that Barbara will regularly send along all employee emails with tips for all of us as to how to cope with the weekend, portion control, how to deal with sales trips away from home as well as ideas for recipes and healthy eating and exercise. Barbara is a colleague that never rests. Her responsibilities for day to day management of this Company are enormous, yet it is her energy and commitment to all of us personally that leaves us in awe. She arrives here around 6:00 am yet usually is still working past 7:00 pm. Her door is always open to meet with anyone in the shop about any concern.

So far the folks who have participated have lost over 450 pounds and that doesn’t include others who have been taking Barb’s lead to begin a life style change. The Company will not rise or fall because of our success or lack of success with our changing weights. But I can’t think of a better way to recognize a company’s responsibility to the community of its employees than to help make a real difference in our health. So… no big losers here… just big winners thanks again to Barb.




Comment from Wright
Time: June 1, 2020, 7:04 pm

I feel sorry for those who lost

Comment from Olive Booth
Time: June 1, 2020, 7:05 pm

The greatest victory is falling and rising

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