Mark Golden on Paint

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Date: April 27th, 2012

Recollections by a Paintmaker’s Son – New Show at SAGG

27 April, 2012 (15:17) | General | 3 comments

The Golden family has assembled about 75 paintings and sculptures from a period of collecting by Sam Golden during his career and partnership at Bocour Artist Colors, from about 1936 – 1968. It will remain up at the gallery at the Golden Artist Colors facility (The SAGG) until the end of July. I had asked […]

Golden Foundation Residency Reaching Starting Line

27 April, 2012 (08:56) | From Home | 1 comment

Barbara and I are busy each evening working on the final touches for the Foundation Residency Building and Project. The applications are now coming in and we’re thrilled to finally have the official program launching with the first Residency this July. We are also delighted to have a good friend open our Workshop Program at […]