Mark Golden on Paint

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Silent Auction Benefit for Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts

2 October, 2007 (18:47) | From Home

We have just days left before the fun begins with the Silent Auction benefit for the Golden Foundation. We have been so blessed with incredible friendships over so many years of the Foundation and our Company. We shared with just a small group of our friends that we were going to be having this fund raiser for the Foundation. From those requests came an outpouring of incredible generosity from so many artists who have been part of our Families lives for many years. We have received many requests from other artists who had not received a formal request to donate work who also wanted to be able to support the Golden Foundation and for those we are very grateful. We hope that we will have an amazingly successful benefit auction and that we will be able to do the event again soon. So for those who we’ve not been able to accommodate this time, please know that our entire family is very appreciative and honored for your thoughtfulness and that we will definitely keep the list current!

I hope folks get a chance to view the artists showing on the Foundation website, as the work is just incredible. I only hope all our work in getting the word out for the event is working. I’ll update as soon as the event is over on Saturday.

We are also celebrating the retirement of our Director of the Golden Foundation and good friend, Lucy Tower Funke. It will be a wonderful night of exciting art, some good food, music and friends. We’ll also be giving guests the brand new 10 year catalogue for the Foundation, sharing the work of the artists and art groups that have won awards from the Foundation over the last 10 years. So come join us on this Saturday if you can. If not you can bid on the artwork until 4:00 on Saturday. Just check out the website!
Best, Mark




Comment from Matt Ramada
Time: October 7, 2007, 1:17 pm

I’ve been browsing through the auction gallery and it looks fantastic. You’ve even got work by Chihuly! Congratulations and good luck with the benefit.

Comment from Mark Golden
Time: October 8, 2007, 9:44 am

Matt, it is an amazing display of work. We were truly overwhelmed with the response of so many artists to the Foundation. We had a wonderful event on Saturday, with many folks coming from all over the country to New Berlin.

What a great celebration! Come on up and visit Matt! Regards, Mark

Comment from Matt Ramada
Time: November 7, 2007, 12:35 am

Wow! Good job on the new look. My homepage is that much snazzier now.

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