Mark Golden on Paint

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Golden Residency ground breaking!

14 August, 2008 (08:56) | From Home

It has been truly a wonderful summer here at Golden’s.  We’ve been busy with the launch of two incredibly creative and exciting product lines; our Digital Mixed Media Grounds and Top Coats and our new OPEN Acrylics.  What I’ve neglected to share is also some very exciting news from the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts.  We began the construction of an Artist Residency, on a property right next to the Golden Factory.   My wife, Barbara and I purchased our neighbors farm here in Columbus about 5 years ago with the dream of some day beginning an artist residency.  Truly this was also the dream shared with my parents, Sam and Adele, as we looked over the valley from the kitchen table that doubled as our first office.  But at those time we would just muse and laugh.

Well, just this past June the property on which the current barn sits and the site for the Residency was donated to the Golden Foundation.  And this July we began the construction phase of the project.   Actually it is more a destruction phase as we have the messy jobs this year of shoring up the structure, replacing its outer shell and roof and insulating.  It is hoped that sometime in 2010 we will be able to invite the first artists to share in what we believe will be one of the most unique residencies of its kind.  I promise to keep you posted on the progress.




Comment from laughingredhead
Time: February 18, 2009, 5:35 pm

I would love to hear more about the Residency program! I’ve been a professional artist and comic for years and I love Golden jar paints. Keep up the GREAT work!

Comment from Mark
Time: February 18, 2009, 9:01 pm

Thanks so much for all your support. I had a chance to look at your website. Congratulations on the success with all your work. What an incredibly interesting career path you’ve chosen!
We’ve just completed the foundation work on the residency building and honestly it looks like we haven’t done anything. But it is an incredible structure and the finished plans have us drooling. Take a look at our latest Just Paint newsletter. Barbara wrote a piece on the foundation with the architects renderings. Much better to look at these rendering then the barn next door right now! Take a look and tell me what you think. Mark –

Comment from Megan Easley
Time: May 27, 2009, 9:47 am

That is great that you are going to be offering residencies! I hope that you will consider offering some residencies that are for short lengths of time. Being a mom, teacher and gallery owner makes it nearly impossible for me to apply to residencies. Many residency programs that I have checked into only allow 6 months to one year in length. Please consider us busy yet dedicated artists when establishing residency requirements. I would personally like to see one week and two week residencies offered in addition to the lengthier stays.

Comment from Mark
Time: May 27, 2009, 9:55 am

Megan one of the unique opportunities we have here is to create a residency that works directly with our one of a kind, Custom Paint facility. What we hope to be able to provide is more than a beautiful place to paint, but also a place to create things you never thought you could because the materials got it the way. It is this conversation that artists have with their medium that we have enjoyed so much to be able to participate. We had a suggestion from an artist similar to yours. He suggested that we provide a residency stay that is split. To allow for the time for things to either be produced or ideas digested. That sort of opportunity might allow for shorter stays, but to make it meaningful by allowing for the processes started to be completed. Thanks for the insights. Best, Mark

Comment from Jane Troyer
Time: July 17, 2009, 5:30 pm


This residency sounds like a wonder. Will you have artist mentors also? I am just beginning to use the Golden Fluids and working my way into the color lines of tubes too. I really love the brilliancy of the fluids and the way they handle. I’m planning to use the airbrush colors as stains too.

Thank you for all your hard work, I appreciate all the choices of colors and paints .


Comment from Mark
Time: July 24, 2009, 4:52 pm

Jane, thanks for the comments! We hope to have an active range of programs once things are set up. Right now we are just concentrating on getting the building finished. The process is slow, as it has become a much bigger project than originally developed. We’re still about 18 to 24 months before we will have our first studios open. I know it will go fast, but right now, progress seems a bit slow! We’ll keep you posted with updates! Best, Mark

Comment from Nancy B.Feldman
Time: November 14, 2009, 1:53 pm

I am a participant in the Council Senior Center which has an outstanding art program in NYC. We have classes in representational and abstract acrylics, watercolor, pastel ,quiltmaking etc.The director of the program is a fine artist and an amazing diplomat.Our teachers are all dedicated artists and teach as volunteers.There are SO many exceptional artists here but as they say on the street, there are more sellers than buyers. My website is not up yet; as of now I’m just enjoying.

Thank you for making such good products.

Comment from Janice LaVerne
Time: November 19, 2009, 7:58 pm

Thank you for creating another residency program. I was just granted a 4 week residency and even though I haven’t gone it has changed me, renewed me and made me so excited about working I can hardly stand it!

Comment from Edward Vander Velde
Time: December 4, 2009, 1:50 am

Hi, Mark and barb and the rest of the golden family!
It’s been more then a year since we visited you guys. Thank you for the great time and tour of the factory. I don’t have the money to put were my mouth is at this moment but I will soon! I am looking for two things in your paint as an artist who works very fast and enjoys all acrylic paint has to offer. I have two suggestions. One is I would like to see your small tubes of paint have flip caps on them like the student grade paint sold by aron brothers in las angeles. I was forced out of necessity this summer to buy some of there tubes…. very brilliant! No little caps to get lost! Just flip squeeze and flip! In fact they are so useful I mixed paint and refilled them and i am still using them! Very straight forward green as well. The second thing I would like to see in your larger size….. is paint in calking tubes! If you don’t cap the paint no problem! just get a nail and clean out the spout! Plus you can very accurately administer the amount of a color you want with ease! Are these things you would ever consider? I hope so. And I hope all is well. Thank you for all the good paint…..
Aloha, Edward Vander Velde

Comment from Mark
Time: December 4, 2009, 10:51 am

Edward, what a timely comment. We’ve been providing artists who want to get rid of the cap with a replacement flip cap. Please give our Customer Service a call at 800 959 6543 and they’ll set you up. We were just talking about calking tubes as well, wondering who much of a hassle it would be for artists to have multiple cartridge guns so you don’t have to keep taking the tubes in and out of the holders? Thanks for reinforcing the efforts here to look at this.
The fall is almost balmy here… not much snow yet, but all the skiers here are itching to get out. I hope by the late spring we’ll have a lot more completed for the Residency building. It is finally coming together versus all the demolition we had to do this past year! Hope you visit again soon! Best, Mark

Comment from dentist parramatta
Time: December 15, 2021, 6:16 am

Amazing post I learned a lot through this. Thanks

Comment from Shipping Company
Time: December 21, 2021, 1:26 am

Informative Post you have shared with us! Thanks

Comment from Aquantuo
Time: January 26, 2022, 11:37 pm

Thanks for sharing! I really like it.

Comment from Canada to Ghana
Time: February 18, 2022, 11:16 pm

great Post! Thanks for sharing this article

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