Mark Golden on Paint

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A letter of thanks to Golden Artist Colors from the Golden Family

17 August, 2011 (11:53) | From Home

As we celebrate the opening of the Golden Foundation Artist Residency, it is truly a moment to reflect on the many artists, friends and family members who have contributed over the years to this effort.  To all of you we are so grateful that our vision has been part of your concern and kindness.   This is also a time to recognize the extraordinary commitment and support of Golden Artist Colors, without which, this amazing resource for artist would have never been realized.

 After Sam passed away in 1997, at the age of 82, the family met to share how we would honor the memory of our parents and grandparents.  So much of our good fortune had been the result of their over 50 year relationship with an incredible community of artists.  Without their encouragement and support of Sam, there would have been no Golden Artist Colors.  It was Sam’s friends telling him he should go back into making paint for them at the age of 66 that gave him the courage to begin this new venture in their lives and again we’ve been the beneficiaries of their efforts.

 We embarked on the creation of the S&A Golden Foundation for the Arts as a way to continue to give back to this artist community that has given us so much: A community that allowed us to participate and to enjoy, in that vicarious way, to feel like part of its creations.  We started the Foundation with little resources, other than a mission to be a meaningful contributor to professional artists working in paint.  It has been through the significant contributions, both fiscally and the many hours from the dedicated volunteers from Golden Artist Colors that the family has been able to continue to grow its level of support for artists.  Golden Artist Colors has placed a great deal of trust in this Foundation and we are all aware of that obligation and assure our accountability that the Foundation will continue to be a good steward of this responsibility.

 As the Foundation begins its move to its new residency we look forward to a long and valued relationship with Golden Artist Colors and all its owners.  Golden Artist Colors has not only provided the support for the Foundation and its work, but is also the vehicle that has allowed our family an opportunity to again work together, to enjoy each others company in the service of something truly so profound to all of us.  We are extremely grateful to this amazing company.




Comment from David Flett
Time: March 7, 2012, 2:32 am

Hello Mark…I love to about your progress and the contribution to your community. We met in 1996 or 7…I’m from Toronto Canada and was hired to paint about 30 airbrush portraits for the company fair and had a great time meeting everyone. I’m writing to tell you that I now specialize in painting portraits from life with oils and complete them in about 3 hours with breaks. I’m currently in Sri Lanka, south of India for the winter practicing just that. Last winter I was aboard the Westerdam, Holland America through out the Caribbean painting 3 hour portraits from life. I would love to hear from and contribute to your collected efforts in the way of pinting portraits and teaching that and or drawing…I also have been doing carcatures for many years…please write me for samples…love doing those too. I don’t have any plans for this summer and would to be there with your extended family of working people to be inspired, to join in and contribute!…my website (partially working): …I will be back in Atlantic City, NJ April 18/2012, thank you …can send samples at your request.

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