Mark Golden on Paint

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It takes a team

3 July, 2008 (18:04) | From Home

We have just introduced our new OPEN Acrylic onto the market and we are sitting on pins and needles to hear the reviews from artists out there as they begin to work with the product.  I know this product is so different from others we produced that it will create new opportunities and new problems for artists that will be solved in incredibly unique ways.

But even before the reviews are in I wanted to share a thank you to the entire amazing team of folks here at Golden Artist Colors, who were able to create, produce and deliver on a promise we made to ourselves and to our customers months ago.  This is a crazy time for us in the shop, as back to school is typically the busiest time of the year for most companies in the arts material world.  With the additional burden of a new product, we couldn’t have made it more difficult.  But everyone pitched in, worked a lot of overtime and we were able to meet all our commitments.  Even with all this extra work folks throughout the shop were excited to see this launch through.

I think we have created one of the most interesting products to come along in a very long time.  A huge congratulations to our Technical Director, Jim Hayes, probably one of the most talented paint chemists of our era.  To his team of formulators and lab staff.   We had so much to accomplish and in such a short time, but you and your team made sure the voice of the artists working with the product were heard.  I look forward with you all to hearing what successes and what challenges they face as the OPEN gets its real workout!




Comment from Mark Gottsegen
Time: July 12, 2008, 3:40 am

What is most impressive to us at AMIEN is that this new product states conformance to ASTM D 5098, the ASTM International Standard Specification for Artists’ Acrylic Dispersion Paints.

AMIEN does not recommend products and never endorses products or brands, but is happy to tell artists that if a paint conforms with one of the ASTM International specifications we are confident that it is truly an artists’ paint and not a simulation or “student-grade.”


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