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Golden on a four day work week experiment

19 August, 2008 (17:08) | From Home

Golden Artist Colors has just moved to a 4 day work week for the factory. Although this began as a request to deal with the incredible run up in gas prices, it has actually created more opportunities for a better life/work balance.. The shop is still open 5 days a week, but each department has worked out various ways to either alternate days off, some have created plans for working from home when possible. Others have opted for a static Monday thru Thursday operation. And where necessary, some staff members have requested to maintain a 5 day work schedule. We have just completed our first week with the new schedules in place and for the most part folks are delighted, feeling like a mini vacation. Some are still wrestling with the idea of getting into work so early and then getting home late, that the 4 days may not create the balance that was hoped for. So far though, most everyone is pretty excited and as a bonus, it has allowed for us to offer earlier and later services for our customers.. We’ll keep you posted as to how it is working out.




Comment from Matthew Ramada
Time: August 19, 2008, 8:41 pm

The local IBM factory area cycles between 3 & 4 day work weeks with 12 hour days. Apparently it increases productivity to have less frequent shift changes and the workers seem to enjoy the overtime and a four day weekend every other week, so I’d hope the schedule adjustment will go over well for the GOLDEN team. I can imagine the longer days’ll get a little tiresome at times though (especially during the winter months, if it’s dark before you get to work, and dark again by the time you get out again.)

Anyway, good luck with the change, I hope all goes well and you still manage to produce consistently superior product, keep up the good work!

Comment from Cindy
Time: September 19, 2008, 11:25 am

I loved working a compressed work week with every other Friday off. Sadly, my new job only allows me to work 8:30 – 4:30 and even more sadly, I seldom leave until 5:30pm.

I think compressed work schedules are a phenomenal benefit to the employees who are willing to work a 9-hour day in order to have 2 three day weekends a month. When I am king I shall declare this the law of the land! :)

Comment from Mark
Time: September 20, 2008, 10:34 am

Cindy, right now the work week is (4) 10 hour days with 3 days off. So far for most folks here it has been a blessing, but for others the long days make it difficult to be home with families; dinner time, school events, homework assist, etc. So I think as we continue to refine the schedule, we might end up with more blending of time. I hopeful that the confusion of scheduling can be worked out with the production planners. I am delighted though that everyone is trying to make this work. Can’t wait until you are king!

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