Mark Golden on Paint

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Special effect colors…what legacy will they leave?

26 January, 2007 (17:03) | Plastic Arts

Ever since our introduction of the Interference Colors, we have enjoyed a love affair with finding and creating new special effect colors and mediums. This has ranged from the phosphorescent colors to the large flaked micas. From all sorts of various newly developed interference color to all sorts of mediums created with garnet, glass or whatever we can find that we feel will be stable and offer unique problems for artists to figure out. These materials are not for the weak of heart. They are difficult, engaging and require a sensitivity to what these things can do or not do within the context of your work.

No… they are not for everyone. But we don’t make all our products assuming that everyone will need them. We make them hoping that those artists that can connect with these materials will find ways to make them soar in ways we never imagined. We realize we just make the stuff. To have life breathed in them requires you. Fortunately for us, this connection has happened time and time again, giving us the energy to keep searching and soaring together.

I’ll share that I am bursting with anticipation over the next group of products to be released in a couple of weeks. These products coming out of our Custom Lab will be added to a growing range of Experimentals we’ve added over the last 3 years. We’ll be introducing them in full through our “Just Paint” newsletter that will be in the mail, (emailed or posted on the web). So look out for the JP#16. But for the engaged folks who have been following this blog on the web, I have to at least tell you about two new specialty products. One is a group of special effect colors called “Color Travel”. Kind of like time travel, but in a jar. Each of the colors really do exhibit a range of iridescent hues as you look at them at different angles. They resemble very much the old “Panspectra” that we were forced to take off the market because of security concerns. The other product is what we are calling a “Workable Medium”. It is an amazing product that offers a significant ability to subtract paint. It could be the most significant additions of a sculpting product for painters. This will ultimately open up opportunities for us that we’ve yet to explore as a company. Sorry for the tease but I know you folks will want take a look.




Comment from Judith Bush
Time: January 26, 2007, 6:22 pm

I’m curious about the *security* concerns the panspectra paints gave. Did you mean safety?

Workable Medium sounds fascinating!

Comment from Mark Golden
Time: January 26, 2007, 8:04 pm

Judith, No actual security concerns as some of these materials were originally used for various secure cards, etc. I think it is moot at this point as the materials are available in automotive finishes and other material applications. But for a time we had an exclusive use for art materials. They were also absurdly expensive to produce. These new Color Travel offer similar color movement but much more affordable. I think a 10cc of Panspectra was $11.00. Yikes!

The Workable Medium is quite incredible! Regards, Mark

Comment from Matt Ramada
Time: January 27, 2007, 5:24 pm

It’s quite interesting to me, because I do a lot of research on artist materials, but finding up-to-date information on acrylics in non-digital format is nearly impossible. I recently discovered a book printed in 2001 which mentioned, in about 1 sentance, your (at the time) “new” range of Panspectra paint, and as I’ve only been painting for a couple of years I had simply assumed that Panspectra had been renamed into Interference, because not much was said about the paint. It’s fascinating to have stuff like this crop up again and get a whole new truth to it.

I too am fascinated by the Workable Medium. My basic love of paint comes from color and working properties, so the “fancier” stuff (like the iridescents, interference, crackle paste, etc.) doesn’t find its way into my work as much, but mediums are becoming increasingly more important for me. One of my favorite artists allegedly uses a lot of subtraction when she paints, but as far as I can tell she simply wipes paint off before it dries, I’d love to have a medium that would allow me to cut down layers and reveal something unexpected underneath.

Comment from Mark Golden
Time: January 29, 2007, 11:05 am

Matt, We’ve experimented with different ways to cut back into the paint including our hard molding paste, which is somewhat carvable and our Paste Paint, which because of its extreme viscosity allows for cutting through layers. This new Medium makes cutting back and revealing layers much more a reality. Regards, Mark

Comment from Madrigle
Time: January 31, 2007, 8:53 pm

workable, carvable medium? I’m DROOLING!

Comment from Elise Winters
Time: February 3, 2007, 1:07 pm

Golden sent me samples of your first Color Travel trails and used some of my work to launch the introduction of the fluid Color Travel paint to the craft market several years ago. Since that time I have been able to more fully explore the possibilities of that paint in my work with amazing results and a resounding enthusiastic reception from my customer base. You say this stuff isn’t for the faint of heart – in fact this paint has added a richness that launched my work to a new level of
subtle luminance and sophistication. Not to mention that it brings me joy each day watching the color come to life on my work table. Thank goodness for GOLDEN!

Comment from Mark D. Gottsegen
Time: February 3, 2007, 4:45 pm

I bet these new products will be at the College Art Association Annual Meeting in New York City, February 14 – 16.

After you visit the Golden booth there, stop by the booth for the Art Materials Information and Education Network (AMIEN) and see the online version in action. Or, go there now:

But please, no drooling!

Comment from Carol Plaia
Time: March 10, 2007, 6:18 pm

Today is March 10, a full six weeks after you posted this fabulously tempting news about Color Travel Interference Colors, and I can’t find any to buy, even on your website. Arrrggghhh!
They don’t know what I’m talking about at Art Media in Portland, Oregon Art Supply in Eugene, or the U of O Bookstore in Eugene. What gives?
I’ve been using interferences for years (they’re definitely for me) and am eager to try these new products. I hope this doesn’t turn out like what happened to me about 5-6 years ago when I received some samples of “architectural” iridescents, loved them, and then they apparently were never available to buy.

Comment from Mark Golden
Time: March 19, 2007, 1:39 pm

Hey Carol, Give customer service a call and they will get you all the details on the product. 1 800 959 6543.

Hope this ends the frustration. Regards, Mark

Comment from Raquel Barker
Time: March 25, 2007, 9:00 am

Hi Mark I did it, I keep on trying and my first two paintings are hanging in a local gallery.Im very please with it but I wish that they where hang in the D’Louvre. or New York,Hawaii Tokyo,etc.Do you think I will get there .olso I want my Paintings to be in the First Resort ever build in Space.Ok Im a litle bit of ,. Mrak one of the pieces I made is call In your Arms,And I used some of you product.turn out really nice.My Dad love it .I send him a picture of it to Ecuador.I will send you one nest two days,I Hope that You are doing well and That winter when just,fine ….Summer is olmost here.Got too go to the gym .Take care and have wonderfull time.Best Regards,Miakii.

Comment from callie
Time: May 3, 2007, 10:37 am

I am trying to figure out the longevity of your iridescent paints. I have begun using them heavily in my work, and loving the outcome, but need to know for painting sales purposes how long they will retain their richness…? Thank you, Callie

Comment from Mark Golden
Time: May 7, 2007, 8:18 am

Thanks Callie, most of the iridescent colors are made with either lightfast rutile titanium dioxide coating on a mica flake or lightfast iron oxide on a mica flake. Some of the iridescents are real metallic flakes as are our stainless steel fine and coarse and our micacious iron oxide. All of these are extremely durable and lightfast pigments. Unfortunately, because of the iridescents in these pigments, the ASTM standards that have been applied to all the other colors, do not work with these colors. But in testing these materials in accelerated aging cabinets and outdoors they have proved to be quite durable. The only thing that might reduce their iridescents is the potential of the acrylic surface to absorb dust. If the painting is kept clean you should have no problem. Regards, Mark

Comment from raquel barker
Time: July 4, 2008, 10:59 am

hi Mark,cheq my site. Is a paint that I think you need to see,the name is ,in your arms . I used your product to paint it.It is under Miakii.
Im in las Vegas at the moment,happy 4th of july.

Comment from Mark
Time: July 5, 2008, 2:21 pm

Dear Miakii, Thanks so much for sharing the jpeg of the painting! Hope you had a wonderful 4th as well and are having a lot of luck in Las Vegas…

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