Mireille Mimi Vezina

Website: https://www.mimivezina.com

Area of Operation: Montréal, Laval, Saint-Bruno

Montrealer (QC, Canada), I was born into a family of painters and people from the business world. I realized myself as a painter after having spent four years studying to obtain a B.A.A. (Marketing concentration) at the HEC of the University de Montréal in Quebec. My goal, put my knowledge in marketing for the benefit of art. But, the painter in me, can no longer circumvent his destiny ... Therefore, learning art will never be finished. I study at the University de Montréal (creative process), at CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal (interior design) and at the School of furniture (furniture technical drawing). I specialize with artists in mixed media and acrylic, drawing anatomy, color, portrait, etc. From dawn to dusk, I have only one idea in mind: to create. I am today a trainer who shares her knowledge without reservation! My sources of inspiration are the imaginary, the unexpected and the assembly of pieces that materialize spontaneously and the alliance of acrylic to different mediums: fabrics, metals, gel, paste, and all that find grace in my eyes. All these elements are superimposed, coexist, and crammed to make room for achievements of a surprising bill. The result is subjects full of fantasy, sensitivity and great vitality. I like to represent the energy that bubbles in me and the passion that animates me. I need total freedom and that does not sacrifice the final result. I have in-depth knowledge of classical drawing, linear perspective, observation drawing and color. In the marriage of textures, shapes and colors, I try to provoke the positive emotion that is both reassuring and energizing. To think outside the box and innovate is part of my obsession. It is a demanding but indispensable path to my desire to go beyond. Resolutely urban and modern. I am constantly in reflection and especially in constant evolution.
